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Install BobaComponents

[code, demo]

BobaComponents is where BobaBoard's UI pieces (components) are developed.

Install Instructions

The first time you work on BobaComponents you need to fork the repository so you can edit your own version of the code.

1. Clone your fork

After forking the repository, open up a terminal and run the following commands:

# Go into the folder where you want to store your boba repositories
# For example:
cd my-boba-repos
# Clone the codebase from github
git clone[YOUR GITHUB USERNAME HERE]/boba-components.git
# Enter the codebase directory
cd boba-components
# Install all necessary code
yarn install

The commands shown use HTTPS to interact with the code on GitHub but you can do so with SSH if you've got it set up

2. Add the BobaBoard repository as a remote

Once you've made your changes to your fork, you'll need some way of pushing the changes to the upstream codebase. To do so, we need to tell git how to find it. Run the following command:

git remote add upstream

3. Install BobaEditor

BobaComponents lists BobaEditor as a peer dependency. This means that, while BobaEditor won't be installed automatically by yarn install, it is required for BobaComponents to run.

Option 1: Fetch BobaEditor through yarn

You should follow these instructions if you don't intend to make changes to BobaEditor, or don't care about running the latest version of BobaEditor.

yarn install @bobaboard/boba-editor

Not running the latest version might incur in some surprising problems in case of incompatible changes. Since Ms. Boba isn't regularly releasing npm updates, let her know if you wish to go this route.

You can check when BobaEditor was last released on its npm page.

You can now continue to the development instructions.

Option 2: Use a local copy of BobaEditor

You should follow these instructions if you want to make parallel changes to BobaEditor as part of updating BobaComponents.

  1. Install BobaEditor.

    The rest of these instructions assume you're installing BobaEditor in the same containing folder as BobaComponents.


    If you install BobaEditor within BobaComponents, you're going to have a bad time.

  2. Build and link BobaEditor.


    Make sure you're in the BobaEditor directory! To check the present directory, you can use the pwd command.

    In a terminal, run the following commands:

    cd boba-editor
    yarn run build
    yarn link

    This will create the @bobaboard/boba-editor package on your local machine.

  3. Install BobaEditor in BobaComponents


    Make sure you're in the BobaComponents directory! To check the present directory, you can use the pwd command.

    In a terminal, run the following command

    cd boba-components
    yarn link @bobaboard/boba-editor

    You can now continue to the development instructions.


    If you make changes to BobaEditor and want to see them reflected in BobaComponents, run yarn run build in the BobaEditor folder. BobaComponents should pick up the changes.

Development Instructions


This codebase requires Node 16. If you're using Node Version Manager, you can switch to version 16 by running nvm use 16 in your terminal.

You can check the current Node version by running node -v.

In a terminal, run the following command:

yarn run storybook

You should now have a DevServer running at http://localhost:6006 that will look something like the online demo.


If new code dependencies have been added, you might need to re-run yarn install. If the above command is giving you problems, give it a try!