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Install BobaEditor

[code, demo]

BobaEditor is BobaBoard's own extension of the QuillJS text editor, and is responsible for anything related to text formatting and embeds (both in "edit" and "display" mode).

Check Out the Codebase

First, fork the boba-editor repository in order to save a copy of the code to your own account.

In a terminal on your own machine, enter the local directory where you want to keep your copy of BobaEditor, then run the following commands:

# Clone the codebase from github
git clone[YOUR GITHUB USERNAME HERE]/boba-editor.git
# Enter the codebase directory
cd boba-editor
# Install all necessary code
yarn install

If you would prefer to use a GUI with GitHub, you can fork and clone via GitHub Desktop, then enter your new directory in a terminal and run yarn install.

Start a Local DevServer


This codebase requires Node 16. If you're using Node Version Manager, you can switch to version 16 by running nvm use 16 in your terminal.

You can check the current Node version by running node -v.

In a terminal, run the following command:

yarn run storybook

You should now have a DevServer running at http://localhost:6006 that will look something like the online demo.


If new code dependencies have been added, you might need to re-run yarn install. If the above command is giving you problems, give it a try!

Developing for Embeds

Embeds that rely on iFramely won't work out of the box. If you're developing for embeds, you have two options:

Given that the embeds service won't accept requests from localhost for security reasons, you will need to install an "Allow CORS extension" (example for Chrome). Once you allow CORS in your browser window, embeds should automatically start working.

Option 2: Run iFramely on your own machine


You shouldn't need to do this, unless you're fiddling with iFramely's setup.

You can run storybook pointing to a local instance of iFramely by using the yarn run storybook:local-embeds command. To run your own iFramely you can use the instructions here. You will also likely need BobaBoard's iframely config as a started config. You can ask the webmaster for a copy of this file.