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Install BobaFrontend


This codebase requires Node 18. If you're using Node Version Manager, you can switch to version 18 by running nvm use 18 in your terminal.

You can check the current Node version by running node -v.

Clone project

In a terminal, run the following commands:

# Clone the codebase from github
git clone
# Enter the codebase directory
cd boba-frontend
# Install all necessary dependencies
yarn install

boba-frontend does not currently require any special env set up.



Move these instructions to the boba-frontend section, similar to how it's done in the boba-backend install instructions.

Connect to a local boba-backend (default Realm)

To connect to a local boba-backend instance, make sure that the instance is up, then run yarn run dev. Going to http://localhost:3000 will show the default Realm (twisted-minds).

Logging in

You can login with your BobaBoard credentials, although your test user will appear as "boba-tan".

Connect to a local boba-backend (multiple Realms)

BobaFrontend uses the website address (URL) to distinguish between different communities (Realms). For local development, we use the Bonjour protocol to create fake localhost addresses in your local network. This allows you to use http://REALM_NAME_boba.local addresses to simulate multiple realms.

  1. Run yarn run dev:bonjour
  2. Go to http://twisted-minds_boba.local:3000 in your browser.

Do ask for help if you encounter problems! If you're on a Linux machine, you may need to start the Avahi daemon.

Connect to a different backend

To connect to a different backend, you can set the backend address by updating the NEXT_PUBLIC_DEFAULT_BACKEND environment variable in the .env.development file.

For example, to connect to a server running at, you can add:


Test local updates to boba-components

If you made changes to boba-components, you may want to also test your local updates in boba-frontend. To do so, you'll need to build the boba-components package locally, and link it into the boba-frontend repository.

In your boba-components directory run:

# Run the "BobaComponents first installation instructions" first.
yarn run build
yarn link

In your boba-frontend directory run:

cd boba-frontend
yarn link @bobaboard/ui-components

To see changes to BobaComponents reflected in BobaFrontend, you must run yarn run build in the boba-components folder. BobaFrontend should then pick up the changes when the page is reloaded. Loading may be slower the first time after new changes.


I'm getting [error that happens when the backend is not up]

TODO: explain

Help! Things are weird and I don't know why!

A good first step in troubleshooting is to install dependencies again. Double-check that you're using the correct node version by running node -v (it should start with 18), then simply re-run yarn install --force in the root folder.