Boards UUIDs
[Thanks to Sel for the work!]
Currently, the backend uses the board slug as a parameter to perform operations on a board. However, once realms are implemented, board names will no longer be unique. Instead, each board should be assigned a uuid. This uuid will be used to uniquely identify the board, regardless of what realm it may be in.
- the boards table will need an additional column for UUIDs.
- How to generate uuids?
- Currently, thread uuids are generated in javascript and passed to the database, and stored as text.
- However, Ms. Boba is considering upgrading the database to Postgres 13, which allows in-database generation of UUIDs.
- Note from future Ms. Boba: actually UUIDs should not be generated by the DB as that makes it harder to change id generation format/logic in the future if deemed necessary.
- For the thread table the uuid is already separate from the primary id
- There is a standard incrementing int id for threads that is used as index, and then a thread-specific UUID.
- How to generate uuids?
- All SQL queries will need to use this UUID column instead of the name column when searching for tables.
- All API endpoints will need to take a UUID as a parameter, rather than the current name.
- The frontend should use the unique combination of
realm slug
+board slug
to fetch the appropriate uuid. This uuid should be used for all queries to the backend.- This will almost certainly require a new API endpoint dedicated to retrieving the uuid.
Files to Update
- init/
- 000_init.sql
- 100_views.sql
- thread_details view
- Added, boards.string_id as columns
- Removed board.slug as column
- thread_details view
- 200_settings.sql
- test_db_init/
- 01_insert.sql
- 04_muting_insert.sql
- 11_visibility.sql
- The following types should be modified to use a uuid rather than the slug to identify the parent board.
- ServerThreadType
- DbPostType
- DbThreadType
- DbActivityThreadType
- BoardDescription : may need to add a field for uuid
- DbBoardMetadata : Add a field for the uuid.
- The following types should be modified to use a uuid rather than the slug to identify the parent board.
- admin/
- queries.ts
- createBoardsIfNotExist() : needs to be updated to generate and insert a uuid in the query
- routes.ts
- /generate/boards POST : calls createBoardsIfNotExist(). May not need to be changed.
- queries.ts
- all-routes.ts
- boards/
- queries.ts
- Functions that take a slug should be changed to use a uuid, and renamed/duplicated if necessary.
- getBoardBySlug()
- updateBoardMetadata()
- getBoardActivityBySlug()
- markBoardVisit()
- muteBoard()
- unmuteBoard()
- pinBoard()
- unpinBoard()
- dismissBoardNotifications()
- Functions that take a slug should be changed to use a uuid, and renamed/duplicated if necessary.
- routes.ts
- Routes that use a board slug should be modified to use the board uuid instead. Their documentation should be updated as necessary.
- boards/{slug} GET
- boards/{slug}/metadata/update POST
- boards/{slug}/visit GET
- boards/{slug}/mute POST
- boards/{slug}/mute DELETE
- boards/{slug}/pin POST
- boards/{slug}/pin DELETE
- boards/{slug}/notifications/dismiss POST
- boards/{slug}/activity/latest GET
- Routes that use a board slug should be modified to use the board uuid instead. Their documentation should be updated as necessary.
- sql/
- all-boards.sql
- might update to include board.string_id in the SELECT statement?
- board-activity-by-slug.sql
- add board_string_id into the SELECT statement
- modify to use board.string_id for the INNER JOIN on thread_details and the WHERE clause.
- Should be renamed or duplicated into board-activity-by-uuid.sql
- board-by-slug.sql
- might update to include board.string_id in the SELECT statement?
- modify to use board.string_id for the WHERE clause.
- Also should be renamed or duplicated into board-by-uuid.sql
- index.ts
- Query strings that use the board slug as a parameter should be updated to use the uuid instead, and renamed/duplicated as necessary.
- markBoardVisit
- deleteSectionCategories
- deleteSection
- updateSection
- createSection
- muteBoardBySlug
- unmuteBoardBySlug
- pinBoardBySlug
- unpinBoardBySlug
- dismissNotificationsBySlug
- updateBoardSettings
- Query strings that use the board slug as a parameter should be updated to use the uuid instead, and renamed/duplicated as necessary.
- all-boards.sql
- tests/
- Tests that use slugs will need to be updated to use uuids instead.
- activity.test.ts
- by-slug.test.ts
- data-all.test.ts
- metadata.test.ts
- notifications.test.ts
- pagination.test.ts
- rest-api.test.ts
- restricted.test.ts
- Tests that use slugs will need to be updated to use uuids instead.
- utils.ts
- Functions that take a slug should be changed to use a uuid, and renamed/duplicated if necessary.
- getBoardMetadata()
- additional note: needs to use string_id for caching rather than slug
- canAccessBoard()
- getBoardMetadata()
- Functions that take a slug should be changed to use a uuid, and renamed/duplicated if necessary.
- queries.ts
- cache.ts
- Update CacheKeys.BOARD enum comment
- db-pool.ts
- index.ts
- posts/
- queries.ts
- The following functions are dependent on the thread_details view and should be updated accordingly.
- getThreadDetails()
- postNewContribution()
- postNewContribution returns the board slug, and this data is used elsewhere (by post/:post_id/contribution, which uses it to call maybeUpdateSubscriptionsOnThreadChange)
- addNewIdentityToThread() : calls threadsSql.getRoleByStringId() which takes a board slug as a parameter
- getUserPermissionsForPost() : calls getBoardBySlug() from boards/
- The following functions are dependent on the thread_details view and should be updated accordingly.
- routes.ts
- The following endpoint uses the board slug and should be updated accordingly.
- /:post_id/contribution POST
- The following endpoint uses the board slug and should be updated accordingly.
- sql/
- get-thread-details.sql
- add board.string_id to SELECT
- remove board.slug from SELECT?
- index.ts
- post-by-string-id.sql
- add board.string_id to SELECT
- remove board.slug from SELECT?
- get-thread-details.sql
- tests/
- queries.test.ts
- restricted.test.ts
- tags.test.ts
- utils.ts
- queries.ts
- realms/
- queries.ts
- routes.ts
- utils.ts
- processRealmActivity() : change to use uuid as id rather than slug
- subscriptions/
- queries.ts
- routes.ts
- sql/
- index.ts
- subscription-activity-by-string-id.sql
- tests/
- queries.test.ts
- utils.test.ts
- calls maybeUpdateSubscriptionOnThreadChange()
- utils.ts
- maybeUpdateSubscriptionsOnThreadChange()
- Note: uses board slug to generate thread URL.
- maybeUpdateSubscriptionsOnThreadChange()
- threads/
- queries.ts
- Functions that take a slug should be changed to use a uuid, and renamed/duplicated if necessary.
- createThread()
- getTriggeredWebhooks()
- moveThread()
- getUserPermissionsForThread() : calls getBoardBySlug()
- Functions that take a slug should be changed to use a uuid, and renamed/duplicated if necessary.
- routes.ts
- Routes that take a slug should be changed to use a uuid
- /:id GET
- /:boardSlug/create POST
- Note: uses board slug to generate a log message.
- Note: uses board slug to generate thread URL.
- /:threadId/move POST
- slug is in the request body
- Routes that take a slug should be changed to use a uuid
- sql/
- index.ts
- createThread : uses board slug in subquery WHERE
- getRoleByStringId : uses board slug in subquery WHERE
- getThreadDetails : board slug in SELECT statement
- getTriggeredWebhooks : board slug in WHERE
- moveThread: board slug in subquery WHERE
- thread-by-string-id.sql
- board slug in SELECT
- board slug in GROUP BY
- visit-thread-by-string-id.sql
- index.ts
- tests/
- activity.test.ts
- queries.test.ts
- expect needs to be updated
- routes.test.ts
- expect needs to be updated
- queries.ts
- users/
- queries.ts
- routes.ts
- Routes that use a slug should be changed to use a uuid
- /@me GET : retrieves data via getBoards()
- This seems to generate a summary - it may need the board slug.
- /@me/notifications GET
- /me/feed GET
- board slug is used in function passed to
- /@me GET : retrieves data via getBoards()
- Routes that use a slug should be changed to use a uuid
- sql/
- index.ts
- user-feed-activity.sql
- board slug in SELECT
- tests/
- queries.test.ts
- routes.test.ts
- admin/
- SELECT uses slug (but this might be intentional. slug = name of board.)
- GROUP BY uses slug
- WHERE uses slug to reference queerpub board
- WHERE in first statement's subquery uses slug to reference bobaland board
- WHERE in third statement's subsubquery uses slug to reference bobaland board
- Insertion of the volunteer board does not supply a uuid
- WHERE uses slug to reference volunteers board
- permission-utils.ts
- queries-utils.ts
- response-utils.ts
- The following functions include a slug as part of the return object
- extractLockedBoardMetadata()
- processBoardsMetadata()
- processBoardsNotifications
- The following functions include a slug as part of the return object
- settings.ts
- test-utils.ts
How do we retrieve a board's UUID?
- All API endpoints returning board data will also return their UUID.
- To retrieve a board UUID given its slug (and parent realm id), we can use the
endpoint and look for the board with the corresponding slug.- Realms are unlikely to grow large enough where this operation will incur significant costs.
- If only the realm slug is know, the endpoint will be
How do we deal with log messages without board slug?
- Log messages should use the board id.
How do we deal with generating URLs (like thread urls) that use boards slugs?
- We use the
to retrieve the board/realm slug.
- We use the