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Adding to the Task List

This guide will break down how we capture tasks and task progress on our current Volunteer Task List spreadsheet.

Yellow Columns: Capture the Task

Task Name

Give the task a short descriptive name, like "Write image descriptions" or "Create GitHub cheat sheet" If the task has subtasks, make its name bold. If the task is a subtask, make its name italic. We might come up with a fancier way to label this, but for now we're keeping it simple.

Task Description

Go into some clarifying detail about the parameters of the task and its purpose. For example:

  • "Coders need image descriptions written up in a text file for the Bobaboard 'About' page to make fully page accessible to screen readers"
  • "Write up content for FujoGuide Github cheat sheet so it can be reviewed and sent to layout artist"

An ideal task description conveys where the problem is, what project it's attached to, what output the task will produce (a text file? a graphic? an imrpoved code repo?), and some sense of why the task needs to be done. If you don't have all that, though, it's okay—don't let the perfect be the enemy of the done!

Date Created

This one will autofill as soon as you add text to the line.

Due Date

Some tasks, especially public-facing comms tasks, may have due dates. Add it here if you know it.

Green Columns: Classify the Task

If this task has a BobaDoc associated with it, link that BobaDoc in this column. If you have any other relevant guidelines you'd like volunteers to follow, such as how to write appropriate image descriptions for screen readers, link it here. If you have an example of a finished product in mind, such as an existing software cheat sheet that could serve as a template for a new GitHub cheat sheet, link it here.

If you're pointing to an error on a project webpage or asking for an update to a repository, you could also choose to link it here, or in the Link to Task column.


For now, we're only breaking tasks down by team. There are three volunteer teams: the Coding Team, the Comms Team, and the Admin Team (formerly known as the Community Team.) To decide which team should be assigned a task, follow these general guidelines:

Coding Team

  • actual coding of bobaboard repos
  • technical design
  • issue filing (specifically for technical issues for our repos on Github)
  • updating project website backend

Comms Team

  • social media post writing/posting/boosting
  • internal documentation
  • external documentation
  • writing copy and alt text
  • taking meeting notes

Admin Team (or "Community Governance Team")

  • creates procedures and processes
  • moderation
  • volunteer management
  • legal and monetary stuff
  • project/task management for BobaBoard


We haven't totally figured this one out yet, so unless you know it's for-sure urgent, it's fine to leave this as "uncategorized" for now 😅

Blue Columns: Claim the Task

Date Last Updated

This one will automatically update whenever someone edits the line.

Claimed By

Add whatever name you think is the most recognizable here. Full discord username (NOT display name) or GitHub username are recommended options.

Latest Progress Notes

If the task is complex enough that you can't get it done all at once, leave a short note describing where you left off. This is both to help you pick up the task again, and also to help anybody who takes over the task for you in the event you are too busy to complete it.

If your progress is being captured in a shareable file somewhere, this is the place to link to it. If you just want to have a quick link to whatever page or repo you're working on, stick the link here.


This column announces the task's completion progress using the following keywords:

  • Unclaimed: Nobody has signed on to do this
  • Claimed: Somebody has signed on to do this, but they haven't started work yet
  • Making Progress: The claimer has started work, but couldn't finish in one sitting. They expect to be back at the task in the near future
  • Idle: The claimer is working on other things and doesn't know when they'll be able to prioritize this task
  • Waiting On: The claimed is available to work on the task, but cannot make progress because completing this task requires some other task to be completed first
  • Complete: The task is finished and (if relevant) is ready for review.
  • Cancelled: Either the relevant time window to complete the task was missed, or the task was deemed unnecessary/a misuse of volunteer energy

"Making Progress" vs "Idle" is up to the interpretation of the volunteer who claimed the task, but if a task sits at "Making Progress" for a month without any actual updates, the task-list management crew will probably change it to "Idle" so another volunteer can initiate a task handoff. We would appreciate it if folks could err on the side of "Idle"!

Pink Columns: Rethink the Task


This column captures issues with a task entry that means it requires input from someone other than the claimer.

  • Unflagged: the default.
  • Needs subtasking: If a task has sat stagnant or unclaimed too long, it probably needs to be broken down into subtasks so that it's easier to make progress and simpler for multiple people to pitch in. If a task seems confusing or daunting as currently described, flag it with this to get more eyes on it.
  • Needs review: If you've completed this task but you're a little nervous you might have done it incorrectly, flag it with this so that somebody with more experience can look over your work.
  • Resurrect: If you think a task was cancelled in error but you're not sure, or if you think a task was marked "complete" incorrectly, flag it with "Resurrect" so we can take a second look.


For any notes that go with a flag.