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Code of Conduct

This guide goes over the code of conduct for BobaBoard's volunteers.


This document and the surrounding processes are a living document. Volunteers are empowered to propose changes, adjustments and additions.

Code of conduct

When representing the project in any form or engaging in the volunteering channels, we ask you that you do so with courtesy and respect. Be mindful that, in virtue of being a professional environment, the standards and expectations of conduct in volunteering spaces are going to be higher than on the platform itself. At the same time, because of the nature of fandom spaces, the range of topics discussed is likely to exceed what would be appropriate in a conventional workplace.

Values at a glance
  • Be mindful and courteous to fellow volunteers.
  • Value de-escalation of conflict.
  • Think of volunteer spaces as a professional (but relaxed) environment.
  • Be ready to discuss or be privy to discussion of a variety of topics.
  • Respect identities, interests, boundaries, and kinks without making public judgment.
  • Act honestly and in good faith.
  • Assume good faith from others, until clearly proven otherwise.

Fandom communities have historically been diverse and sometimes prone to conflict over how to properly relate to and experience their varied interests, occasionally leading to complex moral quandaries. We're not here to police where the line falls for people, but to do work we hope all of us can benefit from. Because of this, it's possible that you might end up working with people that disagree with you on how best to handle some fundamental issue. If you're unable to do so with respect, and de-escalate rather than escalate conflict, volunteering for this project might not be the right fit for you.

Above all, volunteers should act in good faith while working together in BobaBoard's spaces. This means you should value and employ honesty in your actions and communication, with a sincere intention to deal fairly and respectfully with others. Intentional violations of basic standards of decency toward your fellow humans have no place here.


These rules don't exist as hard fences, but as guiding lines. The final decision always rests on the judgement of the project leads.

Our goal is not to police, but to keep the community welcoming to those we want to serve. Unless your behavior is grossly inappropriate, you aren't going to be suddenly banned for a slip up, or for a careless remark.

With that said, BobaBoard's goal is to first and foremost protect niche fandom communities, and give them a safe, respectful space in which to freely express themselves. Because of this, the culture of our volunteers community (and BobaBoard at large) has some baseline ideals that, whether individuals fully agree with them or not, will guide how we handle conflict and policy.

Don't engage in online harassment or doxing

Targeted online harassment and doxxing have no space in our community. This includes malicious distribution of information publicly available in other space.

Callouts are, in the present online climate, a weapon that is too easy to wield irresponsibly and misuse. Disclosing personal information obtained through your volunteering role without the consent of the interested parties is an act without honor.

Follow "Diversity 101" principles

Basic Diversity 101 values will be applied in our volunteer spaces, as well as in the community as a whole. These include:

  • Don't insult people or call them by terms they would likely reject.
  • Respect people's pronouns if they choose to give them.
  • Intersectionality is important.
  • Black lives matter.
  • Don't debate people's lived experiences, even if you disagree with their conclusions.
  • There's not such a thing as "reverse racism".
  • Ableism is real, and has a concrete impact on the lives of those subjected to it
  • Don't fat-shame.
  • Be mindful about appropriating or misusing symbols and imagery that are important to their community of origin
  • Fuck Nazis.

This list is non exhaustive.

Leave RadFem/TERF talking points at the door

The BobaBoard community is a trans-inclusive, sex-positive, kink-friendly space. Its principles include:

  • Respect women's (and everyone else's) right to sexual freedom.
  • Sex work is work.
  • People have the full right to self-identify as the gender they choose.
  • Don't debate who belongs or doesn't belong in the LGBT+ community: that discussion has stopped being productive years ago, and it's being co-opted to sow discord in our spaces.

This list is non exhaustive.

Respect sexual diversity

Given the nature of fandom spaces, including volunteering ones, you're likely to encounter topics of a sexual nature that might squick you or that you might have moral objections to. Shaming of people (or groups of people) for their sexual interests won't be tolerated, and volunteers may not make public judgments and pronouncements on these topics in BobaBoard's volunteer spaces.

In particular, while there is such a thing as fetishization, the surrounding discussion has become exhausting to many BIPOC fans themselves and is, by this point, producing diminishing returns. The right of BIPOC fans to the full expression of their sexuality, and to the full exploration of BIPOC characters in fandom spaces is paramount, and should be put above other considerations.

We also recognize that in the present world kinky people face unique challenges, including at a social and legal level. Respect their right to discuss their experience in these terms, and to identity kink as a central, fundamental aspect of their sexuality.

If you have legal concerns, or believe there is a clear danger to real individuals or living beings, you should make these matters known to the project leads, and contact the appropriate authorities. Doing so in bad faith is ground for expulsion, and will result in your username being shrouded in infamy forever.

Respect people's "squicks" and interests

People have the right not to want to see certain content or participate in certain discussions for reasons that they don't need to disclose. Please respect people's limits and don't push the issue after you've been asked to stop.

People have also the right to discuss topics you might find distasteful. If an upsetting conversation is happening, either ask for it to be redirected in the appropriate channels, or walk away from it. If you believe a conversation infringes on the values brought forth by this guide, contact Ms. Boba.

Reporting past behavior

Egregiously bad conduct aside (e.g. a proven, recent history of misconduct, or extensive patterns of harmful behavior to be evaluated on a case by case basis), we do not use people's past behavior and beliefs against them. Whether or not someone regrets their past actions and has learned from their mistakes cannot be judged objectively through a screen. Discouraging "digging for receipts" as a practice means judging people for their present conduct in our space.

If you believe one of your fellow volunteers is not an appropriate representative of the above listed ideals and poses a danger to the health of our community and its participants, the situation should be discussed privately with team leads and the appropriate volunteer wranglers.

Evolving this guide

As mentioned above, this document and the surrounding processes are a living document. Volunteers are empowered to propose changes, adjustments and additions. While our code of conduct will never be perfect or exhaustive, we strive to come to principles our leads and users can stand behind.

We don't currently have a process to propose changes. With that said, Ms. Boba is always open to feedback and will gladly listen to objections or concerns, even if she might disagree with you.