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Issue Labels

BobaBoard uses labels to classify issues and feature requests according to a variety of criteria.

For ease of reference, labels are further divided in the following macro-categories:

We also have a set of other labels that do not fit in these categories.


Click on any label to see the associated issues.

Thematic labels​

🎨 Accessibility
Let's make BobaBoard more accessible!
🎨 Community
Tools to improve BobaBoard's communities experience.
🎨 Customization
Personalizing BobaBoard for personal or community use.
🎨 Decentralization
Look, ma! No NFTs.
🎨 Frustration busters
Make BobaBoard a pleasure to use
🎨 Integrations
Anything related to the ability to exchange data with 3rd party software.
🎨 Moderation
Anything to do with content moderation, both community and personal.
🎨 Privacy
Ensure everyone's privacy is respected.

Type labels​

πŸͺ³ Bug
Something isn't working as expected
🐞 Feature
Add a new feature or improve an existing one
πŸͺ² Dev experience
An issue that's not visible to users, but it's definitely visible to developers.

Skills labels​

πŸ›  API
Can design a new REST API endpoint for BobaBoard's backend
πŸ›  Architecture Design
Some expertise in Architecture Design required; might need to write an actual design doc
πŸ›  DevOps
Requires experience writing HTML/CSS
πŸ›  JavaScript
This task requires an understanding of JavaScript
πŸ›  React
Is familiar with the React Framework
πŸ›  SQL
Needs to know how to deal with Postgres table design or query writing
πŸ›  Throwing eggs at the wall
A problem whose solution might involve just trying a bunch of things and seeing what works
πŸ›  UX design
Make it look (& interact) good
πŸ›  WebDev
Requires an understanding of broad web development technologies

Size labels​

Difficulty labels​

Repository labels​

πŸ“¦ Meta
Meta issues about improving BobaBoard community & processes
πŸ“¦ boba-backend
An issue that involves the boba-backend repository
πŸ“¦ boba-components
An issue that involves the boba-components repository
πŸ“¦ boba-editor
An issue that involves the boba-editor repository
πŸ“¦ boba-frontend
An issue that involves the boba-frontend repository

Stage labels​

⏩ Awaiting reproduction
⏩ Design
Open issues need deliberation before implementation can proceed
⏩ Implementation
A feature that's currently being implemented
⏩ Ready to implement
⏩ UX design
The issue is currently undergoing interface/interaction desing.

Special labels​

🦡 Good first issue
Good for newcomers to the project
🌟 Ms. Boba's fave
A task Ms. Boba would *love* to get done
🚨 Time sensitive
Gotta get it done within a reasonable amount of time. If you commit, please be mindful of time!
🚧 To sort
Auto-added to all issues; removed after issues have been reviewed and classified
πŸ’ͺ Self-contained
The task doesn't have broad repercussions on the BobaBoard codebase
πŸ’ͺ Volunteer-friendly
Can easily be broken down in a way in which a volunteer should have a easy way taking care of it
⚾Needs Pinch Hitter
The original contributor needs to abandon this PR, and we need someone to step up to help out.